IT'S NOT SURPRISING that the deviate is suspicious and afraid and absurdly cautious at times. Hunted people get that way. But, on the other hand, when a publication is founded to fight the deviate's own special fight, to go on being suspicious, afraid and cautious is impractical, perhaps a bit neurotic.

IT IS TRUE that the reader in Paducah doesn't know the editors of ONE from Adam-ne even sees some pretty obvious pen-names on the board and is sceptical because they don't register with the police as publishers of the magazine. He wouldn't get mixed up in it himself but those who do will simply have to toe his mark if they want his help. He doesn't want his name on the subscription list in spite of the fact that the editors declare they'll rof in jail before handing over one single name of a subscriber. What's more, the whole thing may be a gigantic, international blackmail scheme. Oh, it's all very complicated and a person simply can't take a chance. After all, your whole reputation, career-your whole life is at stake!


What if the editors are telling the truth?

What if they are honestly fighting for the rights of the deviate without ulterior motive (other than getting paid someday for what they're doing free now)? What if their anger at social prejudice is genuine?

What if they're actually willing to stand up and stick out their necks for all deviates because they believe someone has to sometime?

What if they're risking their own reputations, careers and life for you? What if there isn't a single millionaire supporting the magazine and it's really held together by sweat, private donations and one of history's grimmest determinations? What if your suspicions aren't even remotely just?

ONE is doing well. It grows every day. Growing takes money. You risk nothing by slipping a ten in an envelope without return address, or a five, a one-heck, a three cent stamp would help more than you realize! Send a contribution just on the chance the publishers aren't criminal fortune hunters. Send a contribution for the issues that have already been printed and read by thousands. Even if ONE vanishes today, it will have served a gigantic purpose in hitting prejudce and ignorance hard in < → print again and again-in being the first magazine in English to plead our own cause-to give YOU a chance to speak. ONE is yours. Keep it yours. Isn't it worth a buck to know you're not alone?


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